Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SB. Day 6.

I made the choice to sleep in this morning, rather than waking up at 7 o'clock to drive Stew to work. So I remain vehicleless and housebound today.

The cards were drawn for the daily activities.
1.  Walk to the playground.
2.  Have lunch at Timmys.

But the obstinate rain drearily falling meant we had to skip the playground idea. We fully intended to make it to Tims for lunch, but sort of got side-tracked when we began this project.

Rearranging the girls' bedroom.

They've been asking for a while now to have their single beds bunked again. So, between the three of us, we did just that. Sustained a couple of injuries along the way, but nothing that warranted 911. We cleaned drawers, moved furniture, washed walls. Vacuumed those hidden corners that so often seem to get missed and over time collect all manner of debris. Then, while they played dolls on the upper bunk, I packed away all the winter clothes and neatly hung their spring collection in the closet.

The girls were thrilled with their bedroom makeover. They were not so thrilled, however, that they got jipped out of a Tims lunch.

So I promised them we'd go tomorrow instead.

Guess I'll be needing that van.

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