Friday, March 4, 2011

March Fourth.

Today is March 4th.

Today is National Grammar Day in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. But we, their northern fellow-countrymen do not celebrate it here in Canada. Guess we'd rather not be reminded about our horrific written grammar. Texting grammar seems to rule these days over the good old English. A shame, in my humble opinion.

And today, 56 years ago, the first radio facsimile was transmitted across the North American continent. The "fax", as it became more commonly known. Now it's definitely an antequated form of technology for us grammarless chatspeakers, who text non-stop from our iPhones and other what-nots, 24/7.

And today, 87 years ago, Chicago-based Claydon Summy Ltd first published the lyrics to the birthday song. In perfect grammar, might I add. The familiar "Happy Birthday to you", that we so often sing to that special someone when it's their day to blow out the candles on the cake. Which, at my age, requires a few extra blows, and leaves the air reeking of smoke when the deed is done. 'Nuff said.

Speaking of candles on a cake, today is also another special day.

On this day, and I'm not tellin' how many years ago, two very special people were born. Twin sisters, whom I am blessed to know and with whom I have enjoyed such a wonderful friendship over the years. A friendship that has taken us through many adventures, where we've survived encounters with sheep dip, fears of dogs falling over cliffs, the fortuitous Johnny-on-the-spot, and ice-rinks francais dense. We've been through the thick and thin together. Although I do wish "thin" would stick around more.

So... to Vicky and Maria... the very happiest of birthdays to you both!

PS... can you tell who's who in this photo?


Emily said...

What a great tribute to great ladies! (And I'm quite curious about sheep dip and potentially falling dogs!).

Vicki said...

Hey - Suse. Thanks for thinking of us. I didn't see this until today, but I truly feel honored. We DID have lots of fun, didn't we?

Susanne said...

Yes we did, Vic. Yes we did. Emily, you should ask Ri for a personified explanation, much funnier - in Ireland she was fascinated with ovine excrement and in PEI, we suffered daily anxiety over her beagle who ventured so close to the cliff in front of their cottage that we were certain she would fall over and meet her death. Amazing sometimes, just what bonds friendships, eh??!!