Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holidays. Aaaah.

No packed lunches. No schedules. No coffee on the run.
Holidays are the best.
Sleeping in. Playing games. Drinking coffee, from a china mug, with friends.

Holidays are the B.E.S.T.

Monday we hooked up with Pat (a member of our basement family) and walked to a newly renovated local coffee shop. Alana and Kayleigh downed their hot chocolates like nobody's business and then chatted up the waitresses, while we sipped our gingerbread lattes and nibbled on cake by the fire. Bliss.

Came home and baked all afternoon. Filled my freezer with some Christmas goodies. Hip-enhancing goodies that I probably don't even really NEED to have within a 5-mile radius, but you know, just in case.

Must be the Irish in me.

1 comment:

Maria Ramsay said...

Oh? I must have some Irish in me, then.