Good Morning, Christmas Day. Some of us thought you'd never come. Here's a little collage of our family festivities. If you click on the pictures you can see the enlarged version. And zoom in on the mess. Wouldn't want to miss that!
Miss KP, after weeks of being taunted by the sight of this BIG present under the
tree, finally defies the "no peeking" message on the wrapping and gets to it.
And she's thrilled. A horse for her Canadian Girl doll.
Don't you love it when they say, "Oh, I always wanted that!".
She says it. Even if she doesn't mean it. But I think she does.
What can I say.
We have some crazies in our family who sport their very own sense of humour.
And sport their very own monkey suits too. Stylin'.
Surrounded with new pressies. Totally spoiled, they are.
A few of the big kids, pictured moments after the terrible awakening.
Looking like they desperately need some coffee sent their way. El pronto.
Jammin' Cam with his new toy. Electronic drum set.
Temporarily set up in our basement.
Providing permanent housing facilities for drum sets is a thing of the past for me.
Been there, done that. Yep.
A few of the lovelies, enjoying one of the new DS games.
And (im)patiently awaiting the presentation of the roasted fowl.
Here we are. A tableful of food and family.
So delighted that we could all be together.
Miss Lannie in her cracker hat(s).
And Miss Kayleigh in her element.
Our resident spud lover. Mashed potatoes is definitely her thing.
Genetically predisposed, I'd say.
The group games pretty much alternated between Dutch Blitz and Twister.
I was the picture-taker, so not much participation from me.
Really, could you even imagine me on that Twister deck, all bent out of shape?
They'd be callin' 911.
Clearly, Jessica didn't participate much either.
Food and fun. And best of all, family. Good times and great memories. We are blessed.