One soldier known personally. And the other unfamiliar thousands who have died, fighting for our freedom.
I remember.
Other soldiers who continue to fight. Some still on the battlefield. Some who have returned home to their families, critically wounded. And now, instead of fighting for us, they are fighting for their lives.
War is a devastating thing.
It breaks, injures, maims. Pronounces the true nature of man's sinful heart. It's almost impossible to remember the brave who fought without recalling the brutality and bloodshed to which they were exposed.
But think of Calvary.
A place of extreme brutality and bloodshed.
Such as was never known before, nor has been since.
There One died, not for his country, but for His creatures.
Have you thought about what the Lord Jesus suffered for you?
Have you accepted His death, as atonement for your sin?
While men may die for our freedom, Christ Jesus died to give us eternal life!
Appreciation and remembrance of His sacrifice surpasses all.
Back to 11.11.11.
Late morning, we went to visit friends. They live on a farm. A cozy little place, nestled at the foot of the hills bordering our Land, and the Home of the Brave.
So picturesque.
The sky was stormy. And dark.
Contrasted well with those maple trees. Which are on the Canadian side, of course.
But just beyond lies the U.S. of A. More friends. And great shopping.
There are animals here at the farm. Much to the girls' delight. The Weimaraner. Chickens. Barn cats. Normally there are dairy cattle too, but they've been temporarily displaced. Instead there were some Texan Longhorns grazing in a neighbouring field. Sure didn't seem the friendliest of beasts, though.
We sat by the fire, sipping coffee.
Enjoying the beautiful view and the company of good friends.
The girls traipsed around, indoors and out.
Happily content to be in the company of the unrelenting Darcy and Fluff.
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