Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Again.

What an amazingly wonderful weekend. If you've never visited our lovely christian friends in the Arlington /Marysville WA area... you really should. Honestly. They're beyond friendly. So sweet. So kind. Always so glad to see you. At least that's what they say to us every time we visit. "Oh, we're sooooo glad you came!" Which is precisely why we keep going back.

Again and again.

The main purpose of our visit this past weekend was the Youth Conference. I know. I hear ya. And I'll be the first to admit that we're not exactly in the "youthful" category anymore, but see, our dear friends welcomed us with such open arms, and we blended quite unobtrusively right into that congregation of young people! Uh-huh. Another reason this old couple keep going back.

Again and again.

No really. There were other "young" couples there at the conference too. Kind of around our age. Well, around MY age, at least.

What a blessing to catch up with old friends and make new friends all in the same weekend! And, wait for it... two days of NOT having to cook meals. Aaaah. I particularly relished that part. They served up some mighty delicious conference lunch and dinner there too.

Really, you must go sometime. And make sure you're hungry.

If you go once, I know you'll want to visit again. And again.

Anyways, down to the message. The "I Am's" from John's gospel.

Just when I thought I had a fair knowledge of these familiar passages of scripture, these very verses challenged me with the greatness of the I Am, who is my Saviour. Am I allowing this great I Am to be the Lord of my life?

The I Am - Who existed before time itself began. Infinite. Incomprehensible.
The I Am - Who became flesh yet never ceased to be God. Miraculous.

The I Am:
- Bread, the only satisfying nourishment for my hungering soul.
          Am I filled daily? Or do I merely nibble?
- whose Light I must shine in this dark world.
          Am I shining brightly? Or hiding under the bushel?
- the Door to heavenly pasture and the care of the Good Shepherd.
         Laying down in the green pasture? Or wanting?
- my eternal future, the Resurrection and the Life.
          Is my focus on heaven? Or on the world?
- whose Way and Truth promises abundant life.
          His way and truth? Or mine?
- in whose vineyard I must grow and bear fruit.
          Abiding in Him? Or withering?

I fail on many counts. Waste time. Make excuses. Complain.

Oh that I will spend more time in the Word. That I will fervently tell others about my Saviour. That I will be content with such things that I have. That I will set aside what is temporal, to focus on the eternal.

And in doing that, I will bear joyful fruit for the True Vine.

The Great I Am.

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