Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Stare-Down.

There you have it. A particular scenario which is fairly commonplace at our house.

More commonplace than I'd like to admit, actually.

The wordless language of communication between sisters. The silent battle of smirks and stares.

The Older, having just shared some intelligent, far-fetched piece of pertinent information, is obviously not impressed by the jovial response of the Younger.

Captured in the picture above is the definitive difference in their personalities. Serious and informed vs. family clown, with ne'er-a-care-in-the-world.

Interestingly enough, both apples grew from the same tree.

Amazing, isn't it?


Carolyn said...

Haha love it. I miss you ladies. My schedule is pretty open these days since Im off work. You should come over for tea and see the new place :)

Emily said...

That is so my sister and I! That picture is priceless. :)