Monday, September 20, 2010

A Budding Photographer?

The leading princess in our house has taken a real shine to photography.

And like the camera in her hand, this little lady is always very FOCUSsed when it comes to doing things she particularly enjoys.

Like Art. She enjoys Art. And will draw the most charming, detailed PICTURES you've ever seen.

And although she doesn't particularly enjoy doing chores around the house, she often LENS a helping hand.

She's a fiesty one, yup, and she sometimes SNAPS and makes a SCENE, but then she tries to ZOOM in on her self-control, and work towards a RESOLUTION. (She's getting better at this, honestly!)

The IMAGE of her big, brother CAM(era)... we often comment how she's a lot like him in many ways. For one, they each have an incredible MEMORY.

She is generally well-known for her ability in the VISUAL NOISE department, and often sings so loudly that it's a real challenge to SHUTTER down.

In her own little VIEWFINDER of life, the most important things to her are animals and nature.

Oh yeah, she'll push my BUTTONS at times, and is often guilty of ABERRATION in the good behaviour department. But whenever she FLASHes me one of her sweet 'I-love-you-mommy' smiles, it melts me. And I rest assured that she really adores me from the DEPTHs of her precious little heart.

And I adore her too.

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