Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome Back!

Woohoo.. my camera's back home again, and I'm one happy little photographer! And it came home just in time for some special occasions and celebrations.

A Carleton friend turned 40 (another one bites the dust) so we had cause for some indulgence in the form of some cream-puff, caloricious birthday cake. Here's the latest 40s recruit, with a bunch of lovely ladies. Some 40ish, some not!

The weather here has been hot and humid, so a day at the waterpark seemed to be an appropriate card to pull this week. And so the outing was planned for yesterday, Splashdown Park, with some delightful company. All the kiddos had a ton of fun and stayed cool.

Look at the smiles on those precious little faces. Even in the line-ups they were happy as could be! This was waiting their turn for a ride in the Black Hole tube slide... definitely a favorite with ALL of them!

A sleepover ensued. It appears, however, that there was not much shuteye done at all last night, but instead an abundance of chatting and giggling and a general evasion of the whole going-to-sleep concept. Followed by a way-too-early up-with-the-birds top o' the mornin' to ya.

But for now the four of them are having fun... crafting, giggling, dressing-up, giggling, jumping on the trampoline and doing lots of little-girl things together. I can already tell, though, in view of the one or two near-meltdowns this afternoon, that tonight will be an early night for my girls!

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