Thursday, January 16, 2014

I Love You, Diana.

The original Diana Sauce, for chicken and ribs.

I'm never without this item in the summer, using it to marinate and baste chicken breasts headed for the BBQ, or even to brush a tad onto those juicy burgers.

Last night was a pizza supper deal at our house. Don't know if you've ever tried the Kirkland brand cheese pizzas from Costco, but they are a family favorite with us... quick, easy and tasty all packed into one box. I like that. But they're also adaptable. Bake them up as plain cheese, and the kids are thrilled. For the adults in the family, I add a variety of any fresh veggies I have on hand, and smile as the plain old cheese transforms into a gourmet vegetarian.

Wanting to use up some leftover fajita chicken pieces last night, they became a topping, along with some pineapple, red onion and red peppers. Then I reacquainted with Diana here, and drizzled her decadence over my pizza creation. Baked it up.

IT. WAS. YUM. A perfect combination of sweet and mildly spicy. Diana did her thing of blending all the flavours together. And now we have another new favorite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey--I LOVE Diana Sauce. And we can't get it here, so we added it to Vic's list of things to bring every time she comes! Kindred spirits, I always say...