Well, it's Spring Break here, and Saturday brings some special guests, so what better way to live out our excitement than to clean and reorganize our neglected basement. This delightful bonding process ended in the outage of much accumulated junk, but also uncovered my wedding dress. Sixteen years since this article of clothing has seen the light of day, but its wrinkled self was dumped from her hiding place and offered a few startling comments. As in,
"That's your wedding dress?"
"How come I don't remember seeing this before?"
and, wait for it...
"Did that actually fit you?"
I declined comment on the third question.
Miss Alana then proceeded to put it on. And I took a picture. Because I was speechless.
Gulp. My daughter in my wedding gown. An almost perfect fit. Except that I was in my thirties when I wore this thing, and she's a mere 12 years old. Twelve years old. Gulp.
But I'll just set that thought aside and momentarily divert my attention to my cute and tiny little grandchildren. Who will be here Saturday. Lots of hugs and cuddles coming your way, A and L!
But my 12-year-old fits in my wedding dress.