Monday, February 14, 2011

Recent Recordings.

Miss Lannie is learning to play the violin. Private lessons began two weeks ago. Practise at home is being both encouraged and tolerated. Thanks Mo for advice on uploading the video!

Kayleigh's recently pronounced self-analysis. "I'm half-Irish, half-Dutch and half-Canadian." Whoa. That's a lot of halves. After seeking an explanation of the Dutch aspect, we were dogmatically informed that since Engie was part of her "family", the Nederlands naturally become a part of the mix. Alrighty then. Wat je zegt!

Little helper in the kitchen. Irish stew. Carrots. Gravy. Mashed purdies. She may actually be three-quarters Irish. Just sayin'.

Morning walks to school are typically brisk, and pretty much non-verbal. Afternoon walks home are usually full of conversation about how the hours were passed at school. But this week, on our quiet Tuesday morning walk, we encountered some roadkill. One family's beloved cat had met with fate, and likely just a few hours earlier had lost its ninth life once and for all. Still intact, it lay sprawled on the grassy part of the sidewalk, mouth gaping, eyes bulging. The girls were mesmerized, so a gawk stop was mandated. They got way too up close and personal for my liking. Don't worry, they didn't touch. But yuck. And participating in the "dead cat wake" became an incentive for our morning walks, with much of our morning conversation centering around the daily decomposition of the cat. I'll spare you the morbid details. But curious little minds must discuss these things.

And now that I've successfully grossed you out with imaginary pictures of rotting felines... we made brownie pops to celebrate Love Month. Brownies and raspberry jam, rolled in white chocolate, sprinkled with delightful little red and white hearts.

Which were devoured this afternoon at break-neck speed, by everyone but the blogging lady. Since I'm pretty sure brownie balls will definitely not decrease the numbers on the bathroom scales.

The little ladies are off to school this morning, sans uniform and instead decked out all in rouge for Valentines. By the sounds of it, the classroom focus today will be on parties and not academics. That's ok.. everyone needs to take a breather on Valentines Day. Even me. And when darling hubby lovingly offered to drive the girls to school on this wet and dreary morning, I... crawled back into bed.

Happy Valentines Day!

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